Happy Friday, friend!
As I was marking finals earlier today, I had a brilliant idea! ?
✨The Brilliant Idea ✨
When I first came to China in 2017, I tried to vlog as often as possible. Although I had the name “Doctora the Explorer,” I still didn’t have an official travel blog or YouTube channel so I put everything on my professional website and YouTube channel.
Friend, I learned very quickly how no bueno that was. I’m glad that I was able to spend 2020 organizing and managing my different brands for clarity. This was the primary reason for starting this blog.
Now that I have my sacred space to house all of my adventures, every Friday for the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing my pre-travel blog content! I’m calling it, “Flashback Friday.”
Audio Explanation for New #FlashbackFriday Series
With that said, friend, here’s my first #FlashbackFriday post from August 2017.
Flashback Friday: SURPRISE! I moved to China!
People’s initial reaction ?? “Wayment…you did what???” ?

Yep. That’s my new standard greeting…at least for the next year or so.
Back in April of this year (2017), I applied for an ESL teaching position in China and was hired immediately.
What can I say? When God opens a door, you don’t have to force your way through it. It just completely works out for your good and no one can stop it, including you.
Originally, I wanted to teach in the Middle East and had applied back in the fall of 2016. I was so excited about the possibility of the opportunity that I became consumed with the idea. ? Whenever that happens, I know it’s time to pray and ask God for direction and to ease the jitters.
And that’s exactly what He did.
My applications were rejected.
All 3 of them.
If you follow me on [my entreleadership] social media (@DrCharityTV) then you know how transparent I am about my life and the bouts of depression that I experienced last year after completing one of the greatest chapters in my life.
Well, this rejection led to being disappointed which added on to the depression.
I gave up on the dream of teaching overseas and figured that it just wasn’t the “season” for me to go.
What Happened Next
Another teaching opportunity opened up locally at Guilford Technical Community College and this was the experience of a lifetime! It created new relationships that would turn into much more than I could ever expect. It was a godsend!

(Long story short…)
I ended up transitioning from there to an ESL position in China which brings me to today.

My Return to Blogging
I feel like I have been gone from the blogging world for so long that I forgot how much work and effort actually has to go into a blog article.
I’ve become lazy with blogging because social media has made vlogging much easier, however, I owe it to my readers friends to share this new life journey through text and multimedia content in addition to my vlogs.
I have so much to share with you so buckle up and get ready to #DiscoverTheGlobalGod with me!

*The original version of the post was deleted from its previous website and moved to the official Doctora the Explorer travel blog.