Greetings from Dalian, friend!
I made it to my city!!!
I battled with whether or not this should be a text post or an audio post. Since I write for you, which types of posts do you prefer – my audio posts or written text?
Which do you prefer: audio updates or written text updates?
Please let me know in the comments section, friend.
Here are my “cliffnotes” from the audio… ?
QD48 – Leaving Xiamen
Leaving the quarantine hotel
I stayed up really late last night, making sure that I had everything packed and ready since the CDC chauffeurs who were taking me to the airport were supposed to arrive in the morning.
I wasn’t given an exact timeframe but I expected it to be pretty early since my flight departed at 12:45p.
Today is an important day.
It’s the day that I am finally leaving Xiamen and going to Dalian. I stayed up really late last night making sure that I had everything packed and ready to go. Since the CDC chauffeurs were coming to take me to the airport. Although I wasn’t given a specific timeframe, I kind of figured that it was going to be earlier in the morning because my flight departed at 12:45 pm.
They arrived a few minutes before 10 and one of the hazmats came to help me carry my luggage from the room. It was quite hilarious because my luggage is pretty heavy and the hazmat kept grunting while pushing the suitcases.
He finally yelled out in English, “Oh my god!” as he almost tipped over.
It was hilarious and we both laughed as we continued to carry my luggage to the outside waiting area.
When the CDC guys arrived in the van, we put my things in the trunk, the hazmat gave me one final spray down of bleach before I got in and we left for the airport.
At the airport
When I got to the airport, there was a long line outside of people who were waiting to get inside. I cringed, thinking that I, too, would have to wait in the long line to get inside but because I came directly from the quarantine hotel, the CDC had already made arrangements for me.
I was able to completely skip the line and was directly taken to a special check-in area with less than 10 people sitting in the waiting area. This was the check-in for passengers who were COVID patients who had been treated in quarantine, and the area distanced from the check-in for regular passengers.
The check-in process was rather smooth getting until it became extremely frustrating. I had some mini CO2 cartridges for my Drinkmate InstaFizz, and I also had all of my drone batteries, matches, and a lighter in my suitcase. This whole process actually took more than an hour and was quite frustrating. Most airlines don’t have an issue with these items being checked since they aren’t being carried on a plane but this process was a true hassle.
I wanted to post some photos for you here based on the information shared in the audio post, however, the internet connection here isn’t as strong as the one I had in the previous quarantine hotel in Xiamen.
Finally Made it to Dalian
The YSY Hotel in Dalian, China
QD49 – Taking a Moment to Destress
Mentioned in the audio post
QD50 – I Have to Move? ?
Mentioned in the audio post
The university recommends that I move off-campus for a few reasons:
- No teachers are allowed on campus until March 15th (same day as students)
- I would still have to quarantine in my apartment after getting on campus which would cause me to miss the first week or two of classes
- There are serious restrictions on campus in terms of coming and going, etc.